Film Fixer Mumbai just pulled off 3 days of major TV series shoot in some of the trickiest areas of Mumbai. The crew strength of the total shoot was 65 and we did both day and night shoots. Something much bigger than just fixing a shoot.Get in touch for filming anywhere in Mumbai (and even India). We are a team of super hardworking and extremely talented and experienced people who have worked on several feature films with some of the biggest production houses of mainstream Bollywood.
Yuvaraj Jagtap, Sankalp Acharekar, Kushal Wagle, Vishakha M Kinjawadekar – the great production team without whom this shoot would have been impossible to pull. Many thanks to every single person involved in the shoot.

The Indian Detective Exhibit

Mistaken Idea Of Denouncing Pleasure And Praising Pain Was Born And I Will Give You A Complete Account Of The System, And Expound The Actual Teachings Of The Great Explorer Of The Truth, The Master-Builder Of Human Happiness. No One Rejects, Dislikes,

Constix Construction Company Also Impressed Us With Their Transparency Regarding Costs. The Initial Quote Was Accurate, And They Were Upfront About Any Changes Or Additional Expenses

Mistaken Idea Of Denouncing Pleasure And Praising Pain Was Born And I Will Give You A Complete Account Of The System, And Expound The Actual Teachings Of The Great Explorer Of The Truth, The Master-Builder Of Human Happiness. No One Rejects, Dislikes,
