Indian Letters continued in Kolkata, shot by Vandita Jain, directed by Maia Weschler and produced by Preeti Vasudevan. The journey continues and it was shot at Kidderpore Port (locally spelt as Khidirpur), the point where the Indian indentured labourers memorial is erected since 2011. It was from here that millions of Indians were sailed (in the 19th century) to the then-unknown territories of Mauritius, Guyana, Trinidad, Fiji, South Africa, and Suriname – thus inhabiting the Indian diaspora worldwide. The indentured labour system was technically a British way of employing Indian workers in their sugar plantations in the form of slaves (which on paper, were labourers). In Hindi, they have known as बंधुआ मज़दूर.A place of significance for every Indian. Thanks to Sandip Roy aka Vicky, for managing the shoot on time.